Supporting people in need

The Electrolux Food Foundation donates meals to those in need through local employee-driven initiatives and through partnerships with international organizations, such as the Red Cross and Sodexo’s unique philanthropic cause, Stop Hunger.

The foundation supports many local initiatives around the world. Electrolux employees can apply on behalf of a local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in their community and receive funding that is converted into meal donations.

Over three million meals were donated around the world through the foundation between 2016 and 2023.

Red Cross partnership

The Electrolux Food Foundation is a proud partner of the Red Cross – the world’s largest humanitarian network to support people in need. Donations go to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Emergency Fund to save lives and alleviate suffering such as by providing food and water where it is desperately needed.

Sodexo Stop Hunger partnership

Since 2018, the Electrolux Food Foundation has been a proud partner of Servathon, the largest global event of Stop Hunger (Sodexo’s unique philanthropic cause). Every year, the event engages employees, clients and volunteers to raise money and donate food in the local communities close to Electrolux Group factories and offices.