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Consumer insight shapes Electrolux China launch

Electrolux carried out extensive consumer research in the development of the new Chinese product range, which is now being launched with a carefully crafted online and in-store marketing campaign.

Flying mini-robot cleaners win Electrolux Design Lab 2013 Contest

What does the future of the home hold? Flying mini-robot cleaners, expanding walls that filter the air and 3D food printers are just some of the visions in the Electrolux Design Lab competition, arranged now for the 11th consecutive year. The flying robot concept “Mab” was awarded first prize in competition finals at the Fotografiska Museum in Stockholm, Sweden.

Electrolux Taste Festival partnership reaches Stockholm

Some of Sweden’s finest chefs will, in collaboration with Electrolux, share the secrets of outstanding cooking and offer world-class dining when the Taste Food Festival comes to Stockholm in September. This is part of Electrolux recent three-year agreement as headline brand partner with a series of taste festivals in Europe.

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