All about Food Heroes – giving kids superpowers for a better planet on their plate!

Any parent or teacher will know that kids have a lot of opinions when it comes to food! Children today also understand that our planet needs to be better cared for.

Putting the two together to explain how better eating is healthy for both our bodies and our environment is the essence of what our Food Heroes program is all about.

Food Hero logo 1

It’s an educational initiative for kids launched in October 2018, supported by the Electrolux Food Foundation and partners AIESEC and Worldchefs.

The aim is to inspire the next generation to eat more sustainably and teach them about the important relationship between food and the welfare of our planet.

Honestly, did you know that it takes 2,271 liters of water to produce one burger? Or that one-third of all food produced globally simply goes to waste?

Food Heroes gets up close with some facts, figures and fun in an interactive workshop or as a series of Instagram challenges designed especially to captivate children’s minds using activities, videos, workbook materials and, once completed, a Food Hero certificate.


What’s more the workshop materials are available in 11 languages!

We like to think we’ve done our homework well and to date over 30,000 kids around the world are certified Food Heroes, having attended one of our many workshops.

They’ve been delivered by a fabulous team of facilitators in schools, offices and kitchens including Electrolux employees, chefs and AIESEC volunteers.


Food Heroes workshop