The main task of the Audit Committee is to oversee the processes of Electrolux financial reporting and internal control in order to secure the quality of the Group’s external reporting. The Audit Committee is also tasked with supporting the Nomination Committee with proposals when electing external auditors and auditors’ fees.
The Audit Committee is comprised of three Board members: Torben Ballegaard Sørensen (Chairman), Fredrik Persson and Hasse Johansson. The external auditors report to the Committee at each ordinary meeting. At least three meetings are held annually. Additional meetings are held as needed.
In 2015, the Audit Committee held five meetings. The attendance of each Board member at these meetings is shown in the table on pages 150–151. Electrolux managers have also had regular contacts with the Committee Chairman between meetings regarding specific issues. The Group’s Chief Financial Officer and the Head of Internal Audit have participated in the Audit Committee meetings. The General Counsel or another in-house counsel serves as secretary at the Audit Committee meetings.