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Labor / management relations

LA 4-5

At present, 63% (63%) of the Group's production workforce is represented by an independent trade union or covered by collective bargaining agreements and 45 of 53 manufacturing units report that they have one or more trade unions.

Freedom of Association

Electrolux has signed an accord with union representatives on the Group’s commitment to high international labor standards. The International Framework Agreement was signed jointly by Electrolux and Swedish trade unions IF Metall, Unionen and the International Metalworkers Union (IMF) in 2010. The agreement is based on the Group’s CoC requirements and includes provisions to protect the rights of every employee to join trade unions of their choosing.

LA 2 and 4: Rate of employee turnover and collective bargaining

  2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Total emplyees - Male1) 28,258 33,195 41,053 26,283 27,997
Total employees - Female1) 15,258 16,800 18,425 15,042 15,404
Employee turnover - All employees (%)1) 27% 14% 12% 20% 16%
Employee turnover - Male (%)1) 27% 16% 12% 23% 18%
Employee turnover - Female (%)1) 27% 12% 12% 15% 12%
LA4 Employees covered by collective bargaining (%)2) 63% 63% 63% 68% 69%

1) Data cover 53 production facilities, 24 warehouses, and 30 offices corresponding to 43,516 employees. 
2) Employees at production facilities covered by collective bargaining agreement. 22,805 of 36,154 employees at 53 production facilities were covered by collective bargaining agreements.