Share data

Share listing1) Stockholm
Number of shares 308,920,308
of which A shares2) 8,212,725
of which B shares2) 300,707,583
Number of votes 38,283,483
Number of shares after repurchase 286,134,818
Quota value SEK 5
Market capitalization at December 31, 2012 SEK 53 billion
GICS code3) 25201040
Ticker codes Reuters ELUXb.ST
  Bloomberg ELUXB SS
1) Trading in Electrolux ADRs was transferred from Nasdaq to the US Over-the-Counter market as of March 31, 2005. One ADR corresponds to two B shares.
2) In 2012, no shareholder has requested conversion of shares.
3) MSCI’s Global Industry Classification Standard (used for securities).