Change in equity

  Restricted equity Non-restricted equity  
Mkr Share capital Statutory reserve Fair value reserve Retained earnings Total equity
Opening balance, January 1, 2009 1,545 3,017 –104 9,214 13,672
Income for the period  3,355 3,355
Available for sale instruments 138 138
Change in revaluation fund –2 –2
Cash flow hedges –14 –14
Group contributions 45 45
Income tax relating to other comprehensive income –12 –12
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 124 31 155
Total comprehensive income for the period 124 3,386 3,510
Share-based payment 5 5
Sale of shares 69 69
Total transactions with equity holders 74 74
Closing balance, December 31, 2009 1,545 3,017 20 12,674 17,256
Income for the period  3,207 3,207
Available for sale instruments 77 77
Cash flow hedges –7 –7
Group contributions 198 198
Income tax relating to other comprehensive income 7 –52 –45
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 77 146 223
Total comprehensive income for the period 77 3,353 3,430
Share-based payment 85 85
Sale of shares 18 18
Dividend SEK 4.00 per share –1,138 –1,138
Total transactions with equity holders –1,035 –1,035
Closing balance, December 31, 2010 1,545 3,017 97 14,992 19,651