Cash flow statement

SEKm 2010 2009
Income after financial items 3,435 3,161
Depreciation and amortization 255 222
Capital gain/loss included in operating income 66 926
Taxes paid –5 –4
Cash flow from operations, excluding change in operating assets and liabilities 3,751 4,305
Change in operating assets and liabilities    
Change in inventories –38 135
Change in trade receivables –85 52
Change in current intra-group balances 1,059 386
Change in other current assets –124 991
Change in other current liabilities and provisions 473 –237
Cash flow from operating assets and liabilities 1,285 1,327
Cash flow from operations 5,036 5,632
Change in shares and participations –1,441 –1,037
Capital expenditure in intangible assets –448 –394
Capital expenditure in property, plant and equipment –114 –21
Other –21 201
Cash flow from investments –2,024 –1,251
Total cash flow from operations and investments 3,012 4,381
Change in short-term investments 1,936 –2,718
Change in short-term borrowings –628 123
Change in intra-group borrowings –868 –2,110
New long-term borrowings 1,531
Amortization of long-term borrowings –1,014 –1,441
Dividend –1,138
Sale of shares 97 58
Cash flow from financing –1,615 –4,557
Total cash flow  1,397 –176
Liquid funds at beginning of year 3,869 4,045
Liquid funds at year-end 5,266 3,869